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Theodor Vasilescu
Theodor Vasilescu’s “Graphical Dance Notation System” © 1969 offers full possibilities to express the movement in the finest details and it is also very effective by its possibility to synthesize the details in simple and comprehensive graphical expressions.
Since ancient times the dance was customary in the life of civilizations and it is certain that in modern society it finds itself a place more and more sought after.
Its presence not only as a performance but also as a means of education, strengthening and physical training by practicing in recreational groups or as a "hobby", has led to the diversification of forms and programs.
Under such conditions, the dance memorization and transmission can no longer be done by traditional methods. The video recording of the movement does this service in the most proper way, but the graphical notation cannot be substituted in teaching the dance, in conceiving and reproducing the choreographies, in the dance study and analysis.
The “graphical dance notation system” proved its efficiency by the fact that it became the working tool for many researchers who were studying traditional dance and who published numerous collections of choreographic folklore from various areas of Romania. Being known and used in other countries as well, this dance notation system has mostly contributed to the establishment of the documentary and study basis for the specialists in the dance field: choreographers, teachers,